Tuesday, April 21, 2009


She will be similar to Leo woman in appearance. A slim woman who walks with confident and proud. She has an egg shape facial structure, high and round forehead. She likes to look straight as if she is searching. She is not a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks. You will see Virgo woman walks fast. She will try her best to be perfect, to look perfect and to feel perfect even though there is no such perfection. She is very delicate of what and how she dress. She is bright and easily despair with obstacles. She likes smart guy who will be compatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget about her right now. She is not a very possessive or jealous person for she expect respect from her love one. She does not like a part time lover, or a temporary mate. If she finds her dream man, she will not go away. If she does not like you, she will always keep a certain distant. Act proper and appropriate is her discipline. She does not like and can not stand bad languages, cursing words or phrase. She likes a gentleman who open the doors for her. She wants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feel like a complete woman. She memorizes everything about other people and about herself very well. She can really keep secret, you can trust her on this. She likes a refreshing and a mild scent. She is very delicate in maintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soap which match and most suit her skin. Do not comments her on this very picky habits, it is her happiness in working full times as a self beautifier. She is not an innocent angle for sometimes she can be as tough as steel. Even she easily despair, she is not the type to cry over it. She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make her nervous even she walks and talks confidently. She only search for true love , not just any love. Her love is an ideal one. She likes to think no one is neater and as effective as her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing. She likes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable and unbearable to you too. When she stops getting mad, she will totally forget what she just said and be an angle again. If you have a date with her , you'd better be there on time. Flowers and sweet word can calm her down. If you want to say sorry , make it brief and straight forward. Do not drag your apologetic words into a long making it up events, it could lead you to another world war. She likes her man to dress nice and clean. She is good in details especially with money. Do not make she thinks that she is a clown or funny. In the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at other pretty woman so much. Early period of dating her, try not to hold her so much in public, it would not be a proper thing to do. She loves books, stage play and music and likes to criticize about them too. Criticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress , and the way you talk. If you are in love with her, be as almost perfect as your can.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009




悲惨的EASTER HOLIDAY!!!假期还得上班!

这是昨天上班时自拍的,上了快两个月了,正修炼我的技巧! 我又把钱花掉了!!!!

下班了就被朋友拉到这地方,darling harbour,忘了餐厅名字!可是满浪漫的,可以看到Harbour bridge!



我的老板,Mr. Bryan!胖吧!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Good night!!又是个忙碌的星期咯!

Sunday, April 5, 2009







對於你喜歡的人,你關注的是他的優點;對於你愛的人,你關注的是他的缺點,並且,那些缺點如果無關原則的話,它們在你眼裡是可愛的,獨一無二的。喜歡和愛其實只有一紙之隔,任何愛都從喜歡開始,當有天你突然發現, 你喜歡的那個人在你眼中不再完美,而他的瑕疵正如月中的桂影一般讓你更加依依不捨,你會覺得與他光彩照人的一面相比,你更願意看他在你面前無助的表情,不知道是不是應該祝賀你,總之,你的感情昇華了


Thursday, April 2, 2009

March 2009

今天心情很不好, 在想有什么方法才能脱离“那个圈子”呢!要如何“放开”呢?? 真的真的很不开心。。。。。。。晚安!再见三月份!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Glamaz boutique,得信大厦!

店里都卖些日本品牌,liz lisa, cecil Mcbee,Pinky girls,moussy,SLY,samantha,Jelly beans,etc....
工作时间我都在干嘛呢??!!!嘿嘿。。。。。。。Guess what.....国文都进步了。。。。